Let's start with some Killi-Storys:

They lived in a small tank and where hiding all the time. Last week I counted them - I feared to have only one female - nope - I found three females, they are much much smaller than the males - so I divided them in a male-tank and a female tank.
Raising the fry was not diffichult - the young fish had a nice size - similar to young Austrolebias affinis - food was artemia Nauplia and soon they managed to eat grindal-worms too. Growing was quite fast!
Now I've to wait, that the females grow a little bigger and then I'll try to get some eggs from them. They have a Code: "Goias NP 03/07"
You see: Collected in year 2007 :-)
4 Kommentare:
Hi Leo,
I am looking forward to your killi progress....I am pretty sure you have lots of info to share.
DKG 633
Hallo Leo,
Gratulation zu Deiner Killifisch-Seite.
Schön dass wir uns in Augsburg mal persönlich kennengelernt haben.
Wir hoffen auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen.
Viele Grüße nach Tirol,
Dieter und Nancy
felicidades leo tengo pterolebias bokermanni salvajes si queres abogadokayakista@yahoo.com.ar.luis damke
Ich habe pterolebias Glückwünsche lesen, wenn Sie wollen wilde bokermanni
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